ABOUT US BIOENERTICS AKA Meridian Stress Analysis
What is bioenergetic testing? More than seventy percent of patients who visit most any general practice are suffering from what is known as a functional disturbance. In simple terms, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or traditional pathological diagnostic testing. However, the patient continues to experience multiple symptoms.
Where traditional approaches fall short, the Qest4 system introduces a new perspective, effectively utilizing your body's own energy with the technology of bioenergetic screening.
Many people can benefit greatly from the insight obtained through bioenergetic testing. This type of testing is also known as MSA testing. Research concerning bio-energetic testing has been well documented in university studies using various methods of traditional diagnostics.
This testing is the product of a 30-year evolution of biofeedback research started by Dr. Reinhold Voll in the 1950s. Dr. Voll was a German physician who became disgruntled with the traditional model of medicine and started to look at alternative methods that would address the root issues of his patients’ problems rather than masking a symptom.
He used the Chinese meridian system theory (as understood in acupuncture) to determine energetic imbalances using an ohm meter. His research proved to be very effective and has evolved into several related therapies like Biofeedback, Electro-dermal screening, Bioresonance Testing and Meridian Stress Analysis.
By using this technology, we can identify areas where there is improper energy flow and give balancing energy patterns to help restore balanced energy to the body. By reviewing the energetic patterns that are balancers for the body, we can get a clear direction on what is needed to further assist a patient in achieving healthcare goals.
We believe every being is endowed with innate intelligence. Some may prefer to use the terminology Spirit; some may prefer to say Soul, or Divine Intelligence, while others may simply call it Energy.
We believe this innate intelligence existed before our physical bodies and will continue to exist when our bodies stops functioning. It makes sense that when an individual is referring to me or I, they are referring to this intelligence that makes them unique. This intelligence can communicate through a multiplicity of languages.
In this way of seeing the world, animals and human beings interact with everything via an exchange process involving this energetic language.
From the simplest organism to the most complex, from the food we eat to the words we speak, from the clothing we wear to the chemicals in our environment, everything carries with it the information that both makes it unique and determines how it relates to the whole. This information is often referred to as a frequency or signature pattern. This pattern can be as simple as a single note or as complicated as a symphony, carrying with it a tiny bit of information or complex and large amounts of data.
When we perform a Qest4™ Meridian Stress Analysis on an individual, we are communicating with their innate intelligence by sending signatures (informational patterns) that are output through the test plate, and the resulting response is measured through the system’s electrodes.