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Curvy Waves

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a soft tissue mineral biopsy that provides a reading of the mineral deposition and heavy metal accumulation in the cells and interstitial spaces of the hair over a 2-3 month period. It is the only representative of the minerals and heavy metals in the hair. But since hair is a tissue, the information can be inferred for the rest of the body.

NOTE: This is a screening test - not a diagnostic test.

blonde hair

Why Hair?

*Cells are the major site of metabolic activity
*Mineral levels in the hair are about 10x that of the blood
*Simple sampling and non-invasive
*Stable biopsy material, requires no special handling
*Cost effective, accurate, reliable

Examining Blood Sample

Hair vs Blood

-Blood isn't optimal for mineral or heavy metals as levels are kept relatively constant due to the desire for homeostasis.

-Blood doesn't show accumulation over time

-Toxic metals concentrate in the soft tissues (hair), not blood

-Two completely different tests

-HTMA is a good indicator of metabolic processes occurring within the cells

Analyzing Chart

Information from HTMA

-Metabolic Rate
-Stage of stress and stress levels
-Immune System
-Adrenal and Thyroid Glandular Activity
-Carbohydrate Tolerance
-Energy levels
-Eating enough protein or too many carbs
-Tendencies for 30+ illnesses, often before they manifest
-Personality Tendencies


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